
正當全世界的目光的關注在周日進行的2015金球獎時,其實在洛杉磯的Santa Monica正悄悄地上演另一場非常另類的頒獎典禮,而此頒獎典禮出席的主角們比明星更亮眼,個個萌翻天,這就是:2015年The World Dog Awards世界狗狗獎!

狗狗頒獎典禮在周六的Santa Monica機場舉行,雖然那天天公不作美下著小雨,但無損各位“候選人”以及他們的主人的美好心情,連超有名的白富美Pairs Hilton也帶著她心愛的狗狗參加出席。當然,最近榮獲“世界最醜狗狗”的Peanut也有賞臉參加,最後由Barker Hangar獲得本次大獎的得主!恭喜恭喜!
World Dog Awards 2015-2

Lassie!(Photos by Perhansa Skallerup/LAist)



World Dog Awards 2015-5

This dog is a life-saving service dog.(Photos by Perhansa Skallerup/LAist)



World Dog Awards 2015-18

DJ Mama.(Photos by Perhansa Skallerup/LAist)



World Dog Awards 2015-21

Actress Elaine Hendrix and her pup.(Photos by Perhansa Skallerup/LAist)



World Dog Awards 2015-24

Jiff the Pomeranian.(Photos by Perhansa Skallerup/LAist)



World Dog Awards 2015-27

Paris Hilton and her tiny pups.(Photos by Perhansa Skallerup/LAist)



World Dog Awards 2015-30

A guest at the World Dog Awards.(Photos by Perhansa Skallerup/LAist)




World Dog Awards 2015-32


Kat Graham and her pup.(Photos by Perhansa Skallerup/LAist)



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