
早前35歲的NBA球星Matt Barnes透露自己和27歲流行歌天后Rihanna之間的愛情在不斷升溫!他當時表示Rihanna是他的朋友,但他們的關係將向何處發展,大家將拭​​目以待。 當被問及他是否和Rihanna相戀,他說:“我覺得我們的關係剛過了熱戀那個階段”

當大家還處在半信半疑的狀態時,Rihanna用了最佳的方式老練的拒絕了這5名球星的暗示。Rihanna在她自己的Instagram中放了一張Matt Barnes的照片,並加上一堆表示拒絕的字眼。看來這位球星被打槍的事實擺在眼前。









Don't really know where to start.. Although I'm from Nor Cal LA has raised me, from coming here at 17 to attend UCLA on to pros…. It was a dream come true the first time I put that LAKER uniform on & step on the purple & gold court.. But wat might hv been just as amazing as playing for the Lakers was being a small part of helping a historically bad franchise become one of the best franchises & teams in the league! I took ALOTA pride in that because I felt when I came in the league I was the "clippers" so to speak.. Doubted passed over & not really spoken about.. Now hate me 👀or love me ima household name & the clips are a force to be dealt with! I came here a boy & I'm leaving as a man! You've seen the Good times & the Bad, never claimed or tried to be perfect but wat i did try to do is ALWAYS STAY REAL & TRUE TO MYSELF!! The one thing you can't deny is every time I stepped on the court I left absolutely EVERYTHING out there! I think I know better than anyone "This is a business" so you can NEVER get your heart involved, but I can't lie, this shit hurts for a lot of different reasons.. As my run in LA has come to an end I wanna thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for the LOVE, SUPPORT & $h!t even the hate, all of that has made me THE MAN I AM 2day!! To Live in Die in LA it's the place to be 🎶🎶 hahaa YALL take care & #THANKYOULA

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heauxm. 😜

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