
夏末秋初的交替季節意味著又要為你的衣櫃增加些衣物了。可是總有那麼幾款衣物是永遠不過時而適合無限風格的混搭,Crocs的鞋子可以說在混搭界可以成為首當其衝的必備品。在英國皇室家族里,它是孩子們舒服出行的必備。在世界喜劇之王Bill Cosby眼裡,它是秋天休閒裝的百搭品。在美國演員Maria Menounos的眼裡,Crocs還可以搭配長裙晚禮服。如果你還在為週末聚會如何混搭讓朋友們眼前一亮發愁,搭配雙Crocs看看效果吧!多重顏色任你選,更有滿$24.99免運費哦!手快著請點擊以下鏈接發現驚喜:
Free Economy Shipping on all Orders Over $24.99 at Crocs.com!
Introducing the new Crocs Chameleons™ Adrina Flats. They change color in the sun!


New York, NY- 7/31/12 - EXTRA host Maria Menounos and Crocs founders ring the NASDAQ bell in celebration of Crocs 10th Anniversary. (Maria is wearing Crocs) -PICTURED: Maria Menounos -PHOTO by: Amanda Schwab/Starpix -FILENAME: AMR4632325 -LOCATION:Times Square


June 23,2008: Steven Tyler spotted leaving his hotel to enjoy the afternoon out shopping at Barney's in New York City. Credit: Daniel/INFphoto.com Ref.: infusny-99


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