熊貓媽媽Mei Xiang成功產下美籍華裔雙胞胎小熊貓


週六,華盛頓特區Smithsonian國家動物園內17歲的熊貓媽媽Mei Xiang產下兩隻熊貓寶寶。

第一隻熊貓寶寶出生於下午 5:35 p.m。熊貓寶寶出生後依然和媽媽在一起並且看起來十分健康。差不多5小時後,下午的10點07分, Mei Xiang又產下一個熊貓寶寶。

動物園發言人Devin Murphy告訴BuzzFeed新聞,指第二個熊貓寶寶出生後,其中一個熊貓寶寶被放在由專人看管的暖箱中。

動物園職員稱他們並沒有想到Mei Xiang會產下第二個熊貓寶寶。





Veterinarians detected something new during an ultrasound on Mei Xiang this morning. Our team believes it’s a giant panda fetus. If the pregnancy continues to be viable and based on the size of the fetus, which is about four centimeters, vets estimate that Mei could give birth between Aug. 28 and mid-Sept. Although vets confirmed a fetus on an ultrasound it’s still possible that Mei Xiang could resorb it or the fetus could be stillborn. Scientists do not fully understand why some mammals resorb fetuses. The Zoo’s panda team is monitoring Mei through the Zoo’s panda cams and we’re officially on a 24-hour #cubwatch. Mei is continuing to spend more time in her den, sleeping more, body licking and cradling objects—all behaviors consistent with a pregnancy and pseudopregnancy. #pandastory #InstaScience

A photo posted by Smithsonian’s National Zoo (@smithsonianzoo) on





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